Into the darkness post mortem

What I learned

  • how differant a rigid body based controller is compared to  other character controller unity has developed.
  • varies of ways to make particles, including making a swirl flame thrower type flamethrower.
  • Prototyping a similar level to the final planned game and testing out game mechanics to rebalance them. 
  • I managed to improve my level design with unity's terrain builder and object placements while still keeping my eyes on the stats of framerates, draw calls and etc. I evenly managed to get the game to play mostly above 60 fps.
  • Most of the assets I used were close to its artistic style as possible which I intended it to be a little cartoony and low poly as possible, except for the blood slash image that looks too real rather than cartoony.  
  • improved some of my pro builder skills by making some building layouts, adding textures and ammo (except for assault rifle mag). 
  • Using 2 scripts for players Ammo. one to determine which ammo it is  ammo type by a public enum and the other for working on public methods to increase or reduce ammo from certain ammo pickups that match the ammo type enum and player shooting respectfully.
  • improved flashlight system that decays light and angle slowly when used and can be restored by picking up a battery.
  • Pausing the game using time scale and unlocking its cursor to be seen by player for menus until they replay the main level.
  • Making A simpler Enemy AI that spots the player and follows the player to attack them unless the player is too far out of their sight. Also attacks player if provoked.
  • Differant types of level design flows such as choke points and branching paths.
  • Find object in type functions.
  • zooming weopons by fps camera.
  • switching weopons by scroll mouse wheel.
  • determining if a gun is requires to hold the mouse key or press each click to fire weopon.
  • address few common bugs like weapon still zoomed while switching weapons and fire button not occasionally working.
  • making simple fog and skybox material.
  • how effective post fx is for dark and eerie places.
  • using broadcast message code.
  • enemies to smoothly lerp to look at player.
  • using physics material to not let the player get stuck on walls.

What went wrong, could I have done better?

  • I used the grass texture for the "trees" prefab for terrain. I need to use grass for the "details" prefab for terrain in future.
  • Some of the trees I used weren't designed to move with the wind like their real life counterparts, I had trouble getting those to do so with diffuse. I will need to learn more about how to diffusing with trees in future to get them moving slight right.
  • The rigidbody controller felt a little differant compared how I used the character controller. I would need to do some testing on both controllers to see which would suit better in my future games.
  • I added extra prefabs to other prefabs like barrels by houses and spider webs on prison walls respectfully at the last min before launch which took a large tedious amount of time. I will need to plan in advance next time and making various variations of the walls and houses that it doesn't always look like the same house with the same amount of barrels and spider webs respectfully.
  • I could have made the skeletons say more than just “hello” and can possibly get them to say things like “get out...” or just growl. which I have a random audio array before with the player swinging the axe in another project.
  • Some of the sounds I used couldn't be played louder such as the player death scream. Next time I will to edit the sounds in Audacity if I can to make them play louder.

I enjoyed making this project to flex my level design and some fps mechanics I learnt. I probably should have no spent so much time on it because I have other projects to do. Next time I do a fps project it would be fleshed out better with other mechanics like animated player fps arms and recoil.

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